Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Back in action!

Dear Parents,

I'm back! Jackson and Breck are doing very well. Thank you for all of your warm wishes and support during this exciting and busy time in my life. I am very thankful for Ms. Balcom and all of her hard work while I was away. She has done a wonderful job taking care of everything for me here at school. I will be returning back to work on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays and Ms. Balcom will be working Thursdays and Fridays through the end of the school year. I have missed your wonderful children and am very glad to work with them again.

A few dates to note:
  • 4th Graders are working on a Region Report due February 6. We will be working on filling out a graphic organizer here at school. Please make time to help your child research their region and learn about the landforms, climates, natural resources, bodies of water within the region, and places to visit. This will make filling out the graphic organizer much easier at school.
  • Spelling words this week (January 23rd): List 16: girl, first, any, their, squirm, very, perfect, layer, our, your
  • We just finished benchmarking assessments today. I will be filling out IEP progress reports tomorrow and will be sending them home on Monday, January 30.